Friday, July 3, 2009

Goodbye Binky

Rather than start a new blog, I've decided to just start adding more day-to-day stuff to this one. Those of you who encouraged me to start the new blog already check this one fairly often anyway so now you won't have to go anywhere else to get your daily dose of Smiffiness!

Last night was Connor's first night without his "binky". I suppose it's long overdue, but nonetheless it was hard for both of us. As is usually the case in these matters, it just got "lost" in the top of a closet yesterday after I found it on the floor. As much as I hated to take away something he's slept with EVERY SINGLE night for 6+ years (I can't even get rid of a t-shirt I've had that long!), I had visions of him going off to college with his beloved binky and still sucking his thumb, so I knew it was for the best. Falling asleep proved to be quite difficult and he cried for about 10 minutes as though his heart was broken, which of course broke mine. We snuggled for a bit and then he announced that he thought he would be able to fall asleep in my bed. This proved effective and later Dustin moved him into his own bed. He awoke this morning, very cheerful, without a word about the bink. It occurs to me while I write this that it is yet another chapter finished in his childhood. Bye-bye bottles. Bye-bye-diapers. Bye-bye baby teeth. Bye-bye Bink.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, it was definitely time:) It didn't help that that thing was torn and gross looking. Anywho, I am proud of him for moving on. Before you know it he'll be bringing home his first girlfriend!!
