Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She Came...She Saw....

So you're probably all wondering why it's taken me so long to post. It's taken me awhile to recover from my mom's visit......JUST KIDDING MOM!!

She came, she saw.....she did a TON of laundry! We agreed that my laundry does a little "bow chicka bow bow" in the dark because it multiplies at an amazing rate! But seriously, we had a good time. Noah managed to wait to crawl until the day Nommie arrived and continued to delight her the entire week she was here.

Austin and Connor also got lots of laughs and snuggles from their Nommie. (See the picture below for proof of how silly we get when Nommie's around....just kidding again, we're always that silly!)

We shipped her out on Saturday and by Sunday I missed her terribly, I had at least 3 loads of laundry to do!! JUST KIDDING MOM!! Apparently it's a genetic thing. When her mom (my grandma) visits her she does laundry. When my mom visited me....yup laundry. So, someday when my kids have a place of their own - they can do their own damn laundry! I'll have done it for 18 years!!

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