Friday, May 28, 2010

You Can Visit Me

We've started giving Austin and Connor an allowance for completing their chores without whining or arguing. Of course in the interest of promoting parenting everywhere, we have outlined for them all the lessons to be learned including goal setting, saving and finding things that cost less than the amount they have. Little did I realize that they've been learning other important lessons as well!

Today was their day to go pick out something with the 50% of their allowance that they get to spend each week. Of course all the way out the store they were begging to open it. I told them they had to wait until we left the store and that they couldn't leave any of the packaging on the ground, to which Austin responded, "because that's littering, right mom?" and of course I confirmed his suspicion. Then Connor piped up with, "and you can go to jail for that, right mom?" Although I knew it was a teeny-tiny white lie, I again said, "yup, you sure can!" Thinking that was the end of it I was caught off guard when a moment later Austin said, "don't worry mom, you can visit me in jail!"

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